This club recommends the "Postal address" for members be P.O. Box 1 Mooroopna, 3629. The secretary will sign the Club Permit Renewal then forward it to the owner in the mail. The turn around time is generally a few days allowing for post. This process is preferred for a number of reasons but mostly, it avoids members attending VicRoads with unsigned or out of date renewals.
The signed Club Permit Renewal may be taken to VicRoads where the relevant fee is paid. For those that prefer to pay online this option is now available. A copy of the VicRoads letter explaining the process is provided.
Check all details carefully - If any details on the Club Permit Renewal are incorrect a new notice should be issued. Call VicRoads on 131171 if you wish to change the number of driving days (45 or 90 days). If you start with a 45 day permit, you can renew for an additional 45 driving days within the same permit period (before the date of expiry).
Important Information: The official looking form that is received from VicRoads has 2 important stickers. The first sticker, on the top right hand corner is obvious and looks like the traditional registration sticker that sticks on the inside corner of the windscreen. The second sticker is not immediately obvious. It is underneath the red rego label of the VicRoads form. This green sticker goes on the inside front cover of the new Club Permit Logbook.