Victorian Red Plate Club Inc

What to do next.

Read the important instructions carefully.  



VicRoads require clubs to maintain specific photos of motor vehicles.  If requested we are required to produce all photos and documents as part of an audit.  One of the requirements is that each picture is dated.  This is usually done with the camera settings but we can obtain the date etc from a digital signature within the file.  The pictures sent to us do NOT need to have the date printed on them. 

In most cases we can scrutineer motor vehicles from digital photographs.  The file type .jpg is preferred.  Keep in mind these pictures will be printed as 150 x100 mm colour pictures and are for a VicRoads officer who has no sense of humour, not for the cover of a car magazine so, please keep it simple, straight on and not blurry.  Do not crop the pictures or reduce the file size when transmitting.  Send via email.  The photos must be recent.  It is preferred to have the photos full size, taken with a "Smart phone" as they have the date, time and location in the metadata.

Important - All digital photo files should be as large a file as possible.  It may take several emails to send all the pictures through as full size files but that is fine.  No electrons will be harmed.

It is best to send the membership form, roadworthy and all the pictures of the vehicle etc all at the same time.  There is no waiting or approval period.  Pay money only when an invoice is received via email.


Do not bring your vehicle to Shepparton for scrutineering, you can send photos.  

When you receive the original documents from us do not take the vehicle to VicRoads.  They only want to see the original documents and the roadworthy.


The required photos are;

  1. Membership form.  A picture of the entire form with the top section completed and signed. The membership form is only required the first time you register a vehicle through us.Download Victorian Red Plate Club Membership Form
  2. Front of the motor vehicle.
  3. Back.
  4. Left.
  5. Right.
  6. Engine bay.  (Please provide the engine capacity in your emails as it is required to be entered on the official forms.  i.e. 202 cubic inches or 3.3 litres etc)
  7. Engine number.  (This is the most difficult picture of all.  One must put in some effort to find the elusive engine number. If you can't find it that's Ok.  VicRoads don't seem to worry too much if there is no engine number so we can move forward without it.)
  8. VIN or Vehicle Identification Number tag should be 17 or 14 digits long.
  9. Vehicle Identification plates.  These identify the vehicle in code which is very important.
  10. Australian Compliance plate.  Same or similar to and also referred to as the VIN plate.  This usually has the Vehicle Identification Number and the important build date stamped into it. 
  11. Chassis number.  This can be any sequence of numbers & letters stamped into the chassis.
  12. Inside the cabin of the steering wheel and gear leaver so it is clear that it is left or right hand drive, automatic or manual.  We are not interested in the speedo reading. (If it is a motorcycle and doesn't have a cabin then don't get upset or over think that it doesn't have a cabin.)
  13. Drivers licence.
  14. Roadworthy Certificate.  A photo of the original completed roadworthy is required for our records.  VicRoads require the original document along with the paperwork we provide to you. A motor vehicle already on the Club Permit Scheme under the applicants name but with another club does not usually have to provide a roadworthy.  A vehicle that is fully registered must still have a roadworthy to go onto the Club Permit Scheme.  Roadworthies are valid for 30 days. 
  15. VASS engineers certificate or blue Modification plate.  If the vehicle has been modified outside the parameters set out in VSI 33 a VASS engineers certificate is required.  If the vehicle has been fully registered with the modifications and has a VASS approval, even better.  Evidence of a Vehicle Modification Plate & VASS documents outlining the actual modifications is required so the vehicle will go onto "M" modified number plates.
  16. Previous registration if known. 
  17. Proof of ownership or purchase such as a receipt or previous registration papers.  (This is not a deal breaker.  Again, VicRoads used to consider this important but these days they are not concerned with a receipt or proof of ownership. The documents we provide you and that you present to VicRoads state you are the owner.) 

Important - When taking photos

When taking photos of your motor vehicle, make an effort.  In years to come those pictures may be cherished by someone that thinks they are important even if you don't.  Take the motor vehicle out of the dark garage.  Find a nice location with plenty of room and good light.  Take good pictures, directly in front, directly from the sides and from the rear.  If your motor vehicle is stolen these pictures could be of assistance.   


Last but not least, we require 2 more pictures to complete our records;

  1. The front or rear of the motor vehicle with the red plates fitted.
  2. A good clear picture of the registration label on the windscreen.

All these pictures are important as it confirms the registration of the motor vehicle and the correct expiry date on the label.  This is actually incorrect about 1% of the time.  We have seen incorrect expiry dates on labels, incorrect numbers on labels, "Modified" plates issued to "Historic" vehicles.  VicRoads is a huge organisation with 2,700 employees that deal with 4.5 million registrations a year.  When dealing with VicRoads one must possess the patience of a Buddhist monk, as if travelling on a long journey.